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" I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  —Phillipians 4:13







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On a Wing and a Prayer: The Making of a Cuatro Festival
by Don Jíbaro Barbanegra

rganizing The First Annual Puerto Rican Cuatro Festival in
California was something like pulling teeth... without Novocain. Although there are close to 140,000 Boricuas in California (2000 U.S. Census), there's virtually no Puerto Rican community here, so appeals to community leadership was out of the question. Nevertheless, we decided to pull it off... "por dinga o por mandinga!" (one way or another)!!!

Cuatrist Emma Colón Zayas discusses folklore with the audience at one of the workshops offered the days before the festival

Consequently, the much anticipated event was executed with much apprehension and uncertainty as we could not grasp concise statistics that would help us plan and put us at rest. It was done "on a wing and a prayer".

But, alas! It happened!

Between five and six hundred Boricuas gathered in a small auditorium at the California State University in Long Beach on January 28, 2006 to witness what it was expected to be a landmark event. And that it was. It was an SRO (standing room only) attendance and as no more chairs could be added for lack of floor. Chairs were pulled from the huge stack "como cono pa' piragua."

Cuatro luthiers and renowned authorities Yomi Matos and William Cumpiano explain the procedures of making a cuatro.

We had heard of Cuatro Festivals in NY, Chicago, Florida and even Las vegas, but never in California. Our people were more than ready. They were anxious for something that had not happend in California yet... but ah!...it was finally here, a Festival of the beloved Cuatro, the Puerto Rican national instrument.

Big name artists of the cuatro were booked... Yomo, Edwin, Emma, Yomi... plus us the back-up musicians. Tickets sold in advance could not justify the idea of holding the event. Yet the attendance was optimal... door were burst opened when no more chairs were available to make up for the incredible price of $10 that was charged for the grandiose amount of talent that was to gather on stage, in one place at one particular time.

The gregarious Yomi Matos was the crowd pleaser of the night with "Who Dat Man" beating the "cueros" at the congas

IHere are reactions from some of the attendees:

"My wife and I attended last night's Festival Del Cuatro event and were deeply touched, moved, and inspired by the world class performances -- and by your collective will and effort to bring it all together and make it happen for our people...

Last night's event was beyond something special; it was actually quite magical. Yomo, Edwin, Emma, and Yomi performed brilliantly, of course. And as equally impressive, the audience -- many of whom were likely transplanted Boricuas from NYC, NJ, PR and elsewhere, thirsty for our culture -- truly resonated with their performances. These national treasures you shared with us were more than entertaining; they touched and moved us from within. And that doesn't happen very often.

Clearly there's something special about the cuatro instrument, the music and what it all means to us that makes it resonate within our hearts. You've found the right event to pull together our dispersed community and reconnect us to our roots. You've "hit the bull's eye", "nail on the head" ...and any other befitting cliché. And you've done it with integrity and authenticity.

On behalf of the many hundreds of Boricuas who attended, I want to acknowledge you for your contribution and generosity in making this extraordinary event happen. We have no idea what personal pains and challenges you endured to make this special occasion come to fruition, but can only say that you did GREAT, you really made a difference for our community, and THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

Best regards... y echa pa'lante!
Jesus "Manny" DelValle Jr."

Don Jíbaro "Who Dat Man" Barbanegra clowns with Emma Colón Zayas, who received an award from the Ladies of NACOPRW

Dear Manny:
Thanks for your kind and eloquent words, I really want to congratulate the group of founders for this effort, and particularly to the role that Roberto, Jose Vadi, Don Jibaro, had in this process. This was a truly collective effort and one that, I have to be candid; I did not expect to happen. But Boricuas always have this capacity to transcend what seem like insurmountable barriers and show the best of them to the world.

One person who attended the Festival told me while leaving, "thanks to you and the organizers for allowing me to feel so proud!"

20 of my Chicano and Latino students volunteered to help, despite the fact that for most of them this was not part of their culture or history yet left impressed and thankful as I am to all of them. This is how we build bridges.

Last, but definitely not least, I am grateful for the Puerto Rican national treasures we were all privileged to hear last night: Emma, Yomo, Edwin, Yomi, Ruben, Billie, Jaime, and William Cumpiano's excellent work in documenting and preserving this treasure and others who gave of their time and talent and reminded us of the precious gift we all have received as a people in our national instrument: El Cuatro puertorriqueño.

Gracias a todos,
Dr. Victor M. Rodriguez, Chair
Chicano & Latino Studies Department

This is one of the most exquisite looking cuatros ever produced. Inlaid with mother-of-pearl and a golden "chapa" above the 16th fret.

We, the members of NACOPRW SoCal were honored to help in whatever small way we could. It was an amazing experience for all of us to be a part of this historical, cultural and social endeavor. Everyone I spoke to had wonderful words to describe the event. Congratulations to all of the dedicated planners of the Festival del Cuatro, with special recognition to Roberto for his leadership!

I can recall the meeting I attended when the Festival was just being conceptualized and you were still working on a date. At that point it was a dream which you made reality through much hard work. I recognize how difficult it is to put on this type of event and to attract a large audience for the first time. But, wow, you did it! You can only move forward from here.

I must say my husband, Mac, is still on cloud nine from spending time with the legendary Yomo Toro. He didn't want to leave him for a minute. We went to pick Yomo up at his hotel around 7:30 AM and drove him down to the San Diego airport yesterday. This allowed us to spend a good amount of time getting to know him more personally. What a remarkable gentleman; a genuine Boricua, unassuming, kind and sensitive. He also has a great sense of humor. It was truly an honor.

Meeting Emma, Edwin and all the musicians was a special highlight for me. They all made me so proud of my heritage. The versatility and caliber of the cuatro and its music was evidenced by the talent of these marvelous cuatristas.

The other aspect of the Festival which touched me was how reflective it was of our culture. Everyone joined in as needed to help with one thing or another. It was like a big family coming together with folks adding chairs where needed, working behind the scenes, bringing food for the musicians and helpers, to name just a few examples. It was very comfortable, there was a warmth and casualness that made it more like "a happening" of which we were all a part. I will never forget it. Through this event we reunited with old dear friends and made some new friends I will always value.

Gracias mil por todos sus esfuezos a nuestro beneficio como pueblo. Un fuerte abrazo para cada uno de Uds.,

Anaida Colon-Muniz, Ed.D.
President, NACOPRW SoCal
Vice President Elect-National Board

Associate Professor
School of Education
Chapman University

"I became friends with Yomo Toro, the headliner of the event. His humble jíbaro demeanor and grace was self-evident. It was a privilege for me to assist him and drive him around in my car..." —Don Jíbaro

Another Boricua writes...

Quiero comunicarle qué fué un honor y privilegio para mi familia, especialmente, mi hijo universitario( quiere aprender a tocar guitarra), el haber presenciado el Concierto de el Primer Festival del Cuatro en CSULB. ¡Su fervor y dedicado esfuerzo por hacer realidad su sueño tuvo un resultado expectacular y mágico! ¡Qué maravilloso y emocionante fue escuchar la interpretación de nuestra música puertorriqueña e internacional por nuestros mundialmente reconocidos y talentosos cuatristas Yomi, Yomo, Emma ,Edwin, y demás músicos acompañantes (incluyendo a Dalia, por supuesto)!

Nuestra familia y amigos, al igual que los cientos de personas que asistimos al concierto, nos llenamos de gran emoción y orgullo de nuestra música jíbara y nuestros músicos. Gracias por habernos permitido ser parte de su sueño y habernos dado la oportunidad de disfrutar de el concierto del cuatro a un nivel de tan alto calibre cultural en el Sur de California. Nos dió mucho gusto leer su biografía y que asistió a nuestra Alma Mater Colegial y estudiamos ingeniería civil ( i.e., R.U.M. or C.A.A.M. como se le llamaba en otros tiempos). Nosotros residimos en Mo Valley hace 26 años. ¡Pa'lante, pa' atrás, ni pá' coger impulso! ¡Dios le bendiga a usted y su familia!

También, quiero comunicarle que nos hemos deleitado y educado grandemente con el documental del Cuatro. ¡Este video es una joya de la historia del cuatro! No podemos esperar por el segundo video que usted me comunicó está por salir este año y que va a presentar un por ciento mayor de música. El hecho que sea haya editado en el idioma Inglés es ideal para hacerle llegar a otros grupos de personas una parte de nuestra cultura , el cuatro. —Daisy Barreto

I woke up late and missed church this morning, I hope God understands!! Thank you for the great effort you and your staff for putting on a tremendous event. We enjoyed every minute of it. I'll be there next year. Godbless you. —Jaime Gonzalez

Me dirijo a uds. con el propósito de felicitarlo y agradecerle por el Concierto del Cuatro Puertorriqueño. La actividad fue simplemente sensacional. Muchas fueron las emociones allí vividas, pero creo que una de las más significativas fue ver a tantos puertorriqueños juntos y que a pesar del tiempo que tienen viviendo fuera de Puerto Rico siguen y apoyan su cultura.

A usted y a su esposa los felicito por este gran interés de dar a conocer nuestra cultura acá en el área oeste donde realmente no vemos muchas cosas de nuestra Patria. Estoy a su disposición si en algún evento futuro necesita una mano amiga que le regale tiempo y le ayude. Vivo en Murrieta y me enteré que usted también ya que mi niño y el de usted se conocen. Así que aquí tiene una familia puertorriqueña que le gustaría conocerlos y compartir con ustedes si así usted lo desea. Gracias y otra vez Felicidades por lograr su sueño.

Vivian Torres

One jíbaro even brought his own cuatro... depicting the 9/11 tragedy.

Download Emma Colón Zayas
plucking the cuatro (5.5 megs)

Download Yomi Matos jamming
with "who Dat Man on congas" (8.5 megs)

Download Yomi Matos shaking the cuatro like
a Polaroid picture with "Who Dat Man on congas" (8.5 megs)

Download "Who Dat Man" on congas encouraging Yomi Matos as he bounces to "Who Dat Man's" pedestrian beat. (8.5 megs)



"Don forget about truth and mercy; tie them around your neck; write them upon the tablet of your heart; and you'll find favor and good understanding with both God and man." —Proverbs 3:3-4


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Tito, Eddie Finally




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“Live in such a _way that no one blames the rest of us  
nor finds fault with our work.” --(2 Corinthians 6:3)


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