If someone is angry with you, a gift given secretly will calm him down. (Proverbs 21:14)





Send Don Jíbaro's Daughter
on a Missions Trip to Cuba

In an opportunity of a lifetime my 24 yr old daughter Frances has been invited to be a part of a missionary team to teach children in the island of Cuba on August 2008. Not everyone is allowed to go to Cuba, however, Frances' church... Light & Life of Downey, CA, has been allowed into what appears to be a great thing to our Cuban cousins...

The LLCFD (Light and Life Christian Fellowship) Cuba Missions team will be traveling to Sancti Spíritus to hold the 2008 Summer Vacation Bible School for children and a Youth Service.

Light and Life Church is a small congregation in the city of Downey a few miles south-east of Los Angeles, CA. The ministry to Cuban children is priceless, but the missionaries have to raise their own funds. They have done the car wash thing, the cookie thing and pledge fund thing.

Life in Cuba is simple and methodic... few surprises

Now you and I can do the donation thing. Help me send my girl to  teach little ones in Cuba. Your contribution is tax deductible. However, we're not set up for the Pay Pal thing, but you can send a check or money order to the church... with the memo to my daughter Frances Vázquez and her team.

Please send check or m.o. payable to:

Light & Life Christian Fellowship - Downey
9245 Florence Ave,
Downey, CA 90240
attn: Frances Vazquez Mission Cuba
(that's the line at the lower left of the check)

F.Y.I. only

See current donors list

Listen to their 4/19/08 spot at Salsa Canto Tropical
This is a very long file... (90 mins.)
Please wait (3 min?) until it loads on your mp3 player.

(The missionary excerpt is 1 hr into the broadcast)

Donations request web (this) page:

Church office:
Mrs. Lou Wilcox
Office Manager — louw@llcf.org
(562) 862-0910

Church Website:

Thanks and best wishes for you and your families!
¡Bendición! Don Jibaro...

"There's no better love than this..." (John 15:13)

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"There's no greater love than to lay down
 your life for your friends" (John 15:13)



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